About Us
Garments of Grace is a non-profit dedicated to providing kids’ clothing to families in Cobb County, Georgia. We do this through the generous donations of gently used kids’ clothes from families in our community.
We hold giveaway events in the spring and fall.
To request more information about our events, visit our connect page.
Our Story
In 2018 a house church made up of families with young children prayed about how we might share the love of Christ with our community in a tangible way. God placed it on our hearts to offer kids clothes to anyone in the community in need through a clothing giveaway.
After our first clothing giveaway, we realized this was not a one-time event. God led us to make this an ongoing ministry, now known as Garments of Grace.
Garments of Grace currently holds a kids clothing giveaway every spring and fall that is open to anyone in need.